Way to Solve Credit (Loan) Problem By Astrology

The main planets to identify loans and debts in the horoscope are Rahu, Mars & Saturn, and the main house indicating financial issues in the horoscope are 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th Houses. 

Rahu is a planet of illusions, mystery, and greater materialistic attachments. A Negative Rahu promotes indulgence in illegitimate activities, giving extreme consequences later in life. Rahu, if placed in the 8th house may complicate the situation to the worst, causing bankruptcy.

For debt and loan, the planet Mars plays a dominant role. Rahu and Saturn will further aggravate the situation. 

Mars if making any connections with Dusthana gives passion, overconfidence, and drive to indulge in wrong habits only to repent later. 

Saturn signifies slow pace and persistence. It doesn’t let the person come out of the problem easily and let him/her undergo frustration and miseries for a prolonged period. It may keep the native under the burden of debts for much longer durations.

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